A heartbreaking incident unfolded in North Hills, Los Angeles, when a tiny rescue dog named Lulu tragically lost her life. The tragedy occurred after a UPS delivery driver allegedly hurled a 55-pound package over a fence, unaware—or perhaps indifferent—to the devastating consequences of their actions. The dog’s owner, Naria Harutjunjan, who had rescued Lulu just a year before the incident, is now mourning the loss of her beloved pet and seeking justice for what she describes as a horrifying and preventable event.
An Unbreakable Bond Between a Woman and Her Dog
For Naria, Lulu was more than just a pet; she was a cherished companion. Over the course of a year, the two had grown inseparable. Reflecting on her relationship with Lulu, Harutjunjan shared an emotional memory: “I don’t know, Lulu, why, but I love you so much.” This sentiment underscores the depth of her grief as she recalls the last moments she spent with her beloved dog.
On the fateful day, Harutjunjan’s two dogs, Cookie and Lulu, were joyfully playing in the backyard. Around 5 p.m., her neighbor’s security camera captured footage of a UPS driver approaching the property with a large package. The footage, which has become central to the incident, reportedly shows the driver tossing the package—more than double Lulu’s weight—over the fence.
The Tragic Discovery
When Harutjunjan went to call her dogs back into the house, only Cookie returned. Concerned, she stepped outside to check on Lulu, only to find an unthinkable scene. The package, weighing 55 pounds, had struck Lulu. Harutjunjan described the horrific moment: “I took the package and I saw my dog, she couldn’t move anymore.”
Despite her desperate efforts, including rushing Lulu to the Mission Hills veterinary clinic with the help of her neighbors, the dog’s injuries proved fatal. The clinic confirmed that Lulu had passed away.
Heartbroken and angry, Harutjunjan reached out to both UPS and Amazon, as she claims the package had been delivered as part of an Amazon order. She is now speaking out to raise awareness about the incident and the need for accountability.
A Closer Look at the UPS Driver’s Actions
Footage from Harutjunjan’s own Ring camera reportedly shows the delivery driver squatting down and looking toward the gate after throwing the package. It remains unclear whether the driver was aware of Lulu’s presence in the yard at the time. However, the act of tossing such a heavy package over a fence has raised serious questions about the driver’s judgment and adherence to safety protocols.
When contacted about the incident, UPS issued a statement: “We recently learned of the situation in North Hills. We are certainly concerned and will contact the customer. We will investigate and take appropriate action.” Despite this, the company has not disclosed whether the driver faced any disciplinary measures or violated company guidelines.
Legal Action and Calls for Accountability
Harutjunjan is now considering legal action against UPS, the driver, and Amazon. She believes that negligence played a significant role in the death of her dog and is determined to seek justice.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time UPS drivers have been accused of causing harm through reckless delivery practices. In 2022, a driver in Florida reportedly threw a package containing a wheelchair over a gate. Although the homeowner’s dog was unharmed in that instance, the incident was captured on security footage, highlighting a pattern of careless behavior.
A Painful Reminder of Responsibility
For Naria, the loss of Lulu is a deeply personal tragedy, but it also serves as a stark reminder of the responsibility delivery companies have to ensure the safety of people—and their pets. The heart-wrenching incident has prompted discussions about the importance of proper training for delivery personnel and stricter enforcement of safety protocols.
The story of Lulu’s tragic death has touched the hearts of many, reminding us all of the value of compassion and care, even in seemingly routine tasks like delivering a package.