What Is a Phlegmatic Personality Type and 13 Signs That This Is You

Phlegmatic personality is one of the four temperament types. People who are phlegmatic are usually laid-back, relaxed, caring, loyal, and creative. They try to avoid arguments and they do their work slowly.

If you think that you may be phlegmatic, below is a list of the main signs which prove it.

  1. Can appear shy. Phlegmatic people are relaxed and calm and that’s why people assume that they are shy. They are not the ones to challenge the norms and traditions either.
  2. They are loners. Although such people have friends and they like to spend time with them, they also enjoy their alone time. Instead of attending a big social gathering, phlegmatic people would prefer going out with their few best friends.
  3. More than happy to help. Phlegmatic people feel happy if they can add to other people’s happiness and success. Thus, if you need some help, you can always rely on such people.
  4. Have a sense of duty. They always want to do the right thing. Phlegmatic people fight for the justice in the world. They help those who are in need and enjoy volunteering.
  5. They are emphatic. For phlegmatic people, it is easy to imagine what other people are feeling. They know exactly what to say for those who are suffering because they have gone through the same life experiences.
  6. They have a tendency to blame themselves when things go wrong. Even if it is not their fault, such people tend to blame themselves. They feel responsible for whatever is going on in their lives.
  7. They can see the bigger picture. Phlegmatic people are able to read between the lines. They are highly creative and see every detail in a bigger picture. Also, phlegmatic people often offer innovative ideas and solutions.
  8. They follow authority. Phlegmatic people would never become authorities themselves. Instead, they prefer to follow those who are superior over them. They rarely break the rules, too.
  9. Trustworthy and loyal. If they promise you something, you can be sure that they will fulfill it.
  10. They put others before their own needs. Because they want to live peacefully and avoid all conflicts, phlegmatic people can make sacrifices and make sure that other people are happy before they become happy themselves.
  11. They don’t get involved in a conflict. Such people never cause conflicts. If they are involved in one, it is because they try to break it up.
  12. They look for “the one”. Phlegmatic people are usually looking for that special someone who would be meant only for them. Instead of dating one person after another, they believe in deeper connections.
  13. They can be indecisive. When it comes to taking important decisions, phlegmatic people are the worst. They doubt their abilities and prefer that other people would take those decisions for them. It is mainly because they are afraid that they will take the wrong decision and will make other people disappointed in them.

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